Aesthetic doctor shares three ways facial fillers can be used to correct signs of aging

Fillers are usually associated with plump lips and well-defined cheekbones, but its uses go far beyond these commonly discussed treatment areas. As we age, the volume of our face will decrease, which can cause sagging and sagging of the skin, and change the appearance of our overall facial structure. We also lose collagen and elasticity in the skin, leading to fine and deep lines. In the clinical setting, fillers are one of the most commonly used treatments by doctors to help treat the appearance of these effects and restore the overall appearance of aging skin.
As Sherina Balaratnam, a surgeon, esthetician and S-Thetics clinic director, explained, most of her patients want subtle, natural changes, which is why she prefers Juvéderm. “Its filler series is designed to seamlessly blend with the patient’s skin and facial structure to produce a natural effect,” she explained.
Of course, every patient, and therefore every treatment plan, is different. “I always perform facial assessments of each patient in static and dynamic postures to determine which areas show signs of aging,” Ballaratnam said. But there are some key methods commonly used by practitioners. Here are three effective ways doctors can use facial fillers to correct the signs of aging.
“Aging around the eyes is a common concern for my patients,” Ballaratnan said. “Juvéderm can be used deep in the temples and outer cheekbone area to raise the eyebrows and make the eyes look clearer.
“Then Juvéderm Volbella can be used to gently restore the volume under the eyes and the tear groove area. The overall effect is to look refreshed and not so tired.”
“Wrinkles may be caused by volume reduction, such as temples and cheeks, which can cause wrinkles in the crow’s feet area,” Ballaratnam said. “In order to solve this problem, Juvéderm fillers can be used in layers to restore facial volume, thereby lifting wrinkles or wrinkles and making it look smoother.”
The neck line and the lip folds around the mouth (called smile lines) can also be injected with fillers to make their appearance less obvious and create a smoother and more uniform skin surface.
Volite is a dermal filler used to treat fine lines and improve skin quality by improving hydration and elasticity. “Juvéderm Volite uses a hyaluronic acid formula, which is injected into the deep layers of the skin and replenishes water from the inside,” Ballaratnan explained.
“I use this therapy for patients over 40 years old because it replaces the skin’s natural hyaluronic acid. As we age, we lose hyaluronic acid. Over time, they can expect to see the quality of the skin. Increase, moisture and overall improvement.”
To find out if Juvederm Facial Filler is right for you and to find the clinic closest to you, please visit

Post time: Aug-13-2021